Required Permissions
ES requires certain permissions for certain commands, and a few default permissions for basic functionality of the bot.
Default Permissions
The following permissions are required for ES to function, and ES won't allow you to use any BDSM commands without them:
- "View Channels", "Read Message History": These permissions are required so ES can see your servers channels, know where to send messages, and see messages that other members send. Messages are processed in accordance with ES's Privacy Policy.
- "Send Messages", "Embed Links", "Use External Emojis": These permissions are required so ES can send messages in your server, as well as sending GIFs and using it's custom emojis.
- "Manage Messages": This permission is required so ES can delete messages when a user is impaired or restricted.
- "View Audit Log": This permission is required so ES can see who deleted a message. The audit log is checked to determine if a message was self deleted or not for the snipe feature.
Feature Specific Permissions
Some of ES's commands and features require more permissions then the default ones. These commands/features are listed below, and what permissions they require.
, /say
- "Manage Channels", "Manage Webhooks": These permissions are required so ES can view your channel configurations, and create webhooks for gag/say messages.
, /rename
- "Manage Nicknames": This permission is required so ES can rename users in your server.
, /chastity
- "Manage Roles": This permission is required so ES can edit permission overrides on channels, and remove roles of users when binding them (for admin binding).
- "Manage Channels: This permission is required to ES can edit permission overrides on channels in your server.
Auto Responses:
- "Add Reactions": This permission is required so ES can react to messages for any configured reaction auto-responses.
Separate Feature Permissions
The following features do not require ES's default permissions that the rest of the bot requires.
Safety Alerts:
- "Ban Members": This permission is required so ES can check if a member is banned, and provide a one-click ban button under safety alerts.
Safety alerts also require the following permissions in the subscribed alert channel(s):
- "View Channel": This permission is required so ES can view the channel and it's info/permissions.
- "Send Messages": This permission is required so ES can send the safety alerts in the chosen channel.
- "Mention Everyone": This permission is required so ES can ping/mention any roles specified in the subscriptions custom content.
If ES doesn't have these permissions, you will not receive safety alerts during a broadcast or member join.